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Peter Marcus
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (720), 891-8280

Abortion-rights backers attack Colorado GOP legislators

NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado wants Dems in control of state Senate

Ryan Frazier is legitimate Senate candidate says court

Votes will count in five-man GOP primary race

Surrogates campaign for Clinton in Colorado

Governor and congressman carry torch, attack Trump

Teacher shortage crisis highlighted in Colorado

Growing gap raises concerns over recruitment efforts

Grocery store alcohol battle turns to governor

Coalition asks Hickenlooper to sign compromise bill

S.W. Colorado lawmakers reflect on wins, losses

Water, wildfires and Gold King Mine spill tops the list for local legislators

U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton faces challenges from both parties

Democrat Gail Schwartz hopes to shake things up

Ballot proposals pick up where Colorado Legislature left off

Groups mount several efforts in wake of lackluster progress

U.S. Senate race dogged by controversy

Jon Keyser fights national headlines in chaotic campaign

S.W. Colorado lawmakers reflect on wins, losses

Water, wildfires and Gold King Mine spill tops the list

Trail of dead bills blamed on partisanship at Colorado Legislature

Roads, primary, fee restructure died late

Rain barrels cleared to catch roof runoff

Governor signs bill bringing two-year effort to a close